just lanuched a free email collection popup

Just Launched: A Free Email Collection Popup

Email collection pops can really help you rake in subscribers. Subtle things like exit intent triggers can increase subscriber sign up rates by 600%. Thats a big number.

But a nice looking pop up, that doesn’t annoy users is key ?. So in the immortal words of DJ Khaled:

They don’t want you to increase subscribers, so what we gonna do? We gonna increase subscribers (with an awesome free pop up from SmartrMail).

Create your Store’s Email Pop up Now

SmartrMail Email Pop up Example

Want to turn on your email subscription pop up for Shopfiy or BigCommerce Store? Easy!

For Shopify stores just go into SmartrMail, click on Popups in the top menu, and click the big blue ‘Enable Pop ups’ button.

For BigCommerce stores there’s one extra step: grab the code snippet supplied and follow the steps to paste it into your store’s footer. Then in SmartrMail click ‘Enable Pop ups’ and you’re done.

Customising your pop up’s look, text and triggering is easy. On the same pop up page just scroll down to settings, and customise it to match the look of your store, and when you want it is triggered.

SmartrMail Free Email Marketing for Ecommerce Stores Ebook

Get more sales with personalised email marketing. Start your 15-day free trial on BigCommerce, Shopify, Neto, or WooCommerce