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Introduction to Email Marketing for E-Commerce

If you are just starting out with email marketing and would like to learn some tips and tricks of the trade, this post is for you.

In this post, we break down email marketing into simple steps for you to follow.

Step 1: Sign up for an email marketing service

sign up for an email marketing service

Explore email marketing tools that enable you to manage your campaigns. Consider an email marketing service that will support and grow your ecommerce business. A good rule of thumb to follow is to select a platform that is straightforward to use, letting you focus your efforts toward crafting your message and design.

Step 2: Generate Leads

generate leads

Before you start sending out any emails, you are going to need recipients. You’ll benefit more by collecting emails from individuals who have a genuine interest in your store. The key to quickly grow an organic email list is to install a pop up form on your website. You may decide to offer an incentive on a pop up form to encourage opt-ins.

You can explore paid options like Or try out SmartrMail’s free pop up form that allows you to collect email addresses and helps you organise your new leads into different segment lists.

Step 3: Design elements

design elements

The design of your email is the first thing people will see. A well designed email is just as important as the content that goes with it. Your message will stand out better, increasing user interactions and boost open rates. Think about how you would like to control your design layout with images, font, colours and themes. You may choose to begin with customising from a template or start your design from scratch.

Mobile optimisation

55% of emails are opened on a mobile device –Litmus “Email Analytics” (March 2016)

You really don’t have to do much in this area if you choose an email service provider that automates mobile optimisation for you. Remember, mobile devices are usually smaller than desktops. Be sure your email is easily readable on smaller screens. If unsure, test it out first.

Step 4: Content


Be creative and enticing with your subject line. This is an essential opportunity to capture your subscriber’s attention as they skim through their inbox.

Long emails are more likely to be deleted by the reader. Your message should be kept short and sweet and include bold, eye-catching subheadings.

Step 5: Interaction


Subscribers should be able to easily identify a link. Include an obvious call to action for your subscribers to interact with. You would also want your users’ experience to be seamless. Optimise your landing pages for a smooth transition from email to the target page on your website.

Step 6: Schedule trigger timings

Schedule trigger timings

There is no sure-win recipe that will give any two businesses the same outcome. Start by running some initial tests to see which timings gave you the best results.

Step 7: Send to your list regularly

Send to your list regularly

We don’t mean spamming your subscriber’s inbox. Send out emails often to build brand awareness, maintain customer loyalty and increase your ROI with more conversions.

(If you want to learn more email marketing tricks and tips: 5 ways to achieve Godlike status with your email marketing strategy.)

SmartrMail Free Email Marketing for Ecommerce Stores Ebook

Get more sales with personalised email marketing. Start your 15-day free trial on BigCommerce, Shopify, Neto, or WooCommerce