small business saturday email subject lines

50 Small Business Saturday Subject Lines You Can Copy

Keep reading below for some of our favourite small business Saturday subject lines!

Small Business Saturday is a chance for shoppers to show their support for all of the wonderful small and local businesses out there. 

When half of shoppers regularly go out of their way to support small businesses and 7 in 8 are willing to pay more for products from small businesses, it’s unsurprising that most people have leapt on the holiday. 

Over half of shoppers in the US know about Small Business Saturday and the vast majority of them plan on supporting local businesses on the day. And with over $3 billion being spent on Small Business Saturday last year, merchants are jumping on board as well. 

This means that plenty of merchants are sending Small Business Saturday emails. Which also means they’re coming up with subject lines to go along with them.

The importance of subject lines

While the content of your email might seem infinitely more important than the subject line, it’s the subject line that’s one of the greatest factors deciding whether the email gets opened and read or is ignored. 

In fact, a third of your subscribers base their decision on whether to open an email or not based solely on its subject line. Additionally, two-thirds of people mark emails as spam based on subject lines alone.

So with so much riding on your email subject line, it’s important to come up with some good ones for your Small Business Saturday campaigns. 

To that end, below are 50 examples of Small Business Saturday subject lines that you can either use for inspiration or simply copy and paste to use yourself. 

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Small Business Saturday subject lines

General, all-purpose examples

  • Shop Local This Small Business Saturday
  • Supporting Our Local Community 
  • Black Friday is so yesterday. It’s time for Small Business Saturday! 
  • Thank you for supporting small businesses like yours
  • Cure Your Black Friday Hangover By Shopping Small 
  • Supporting Main St. Not Wall St. This Saturday
  • Stay Local This Saturday
  • Think Big, Shop Small! 
  • Shopping Small Is A Big Deal To Us
  • It’s #SmallBizSat!
  • A Message To Our Local Community This Small Business Saturday
  • Have you supported a small business today?
  • From Our Community To Yours
  • Your Local Community Is Counting On You
  • It’s a Big Thing to Small Shop
  • How You Can Support Small Businesses

Subject lines with emojis

Adding an emoji is a great way to make your subject lines stand out in people’s inboxes. 

While you could add an emoji of what you sell or services you provide, such as game pieces (? ? ♟) if you sell toys, below are some more general examples. 

  • More Reasons to Shop Locally ?
  • The Best Deals this Small Biz Sat ?
  • Rallying around our local community ?
  • Shop Small, Eat Local ?
  • Celebrating Small Business Saturday ?
  • Check out these local gems ?
  • Coming together as a community this Saturday ?
  • Buy Local Produce This Small Business Saturday ? ? ?
  • In Celebration of All Small Businesses ?
  • Supporting each other this Small Business Saturday ?

For more emoji usage tips, check out our guide on using emojis in subject lines here.

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Personalized subject lines

Email personalization results in over a 50% increase in customer satisfaction and a 30% higher open rate on average. And when it comes to your subject lines, the easiest and most obvious way to personalize them is to include the name of your customer. 

Commerce-focused email apps like SmartrMail let you include names in your subject lines easily like in the examples below.

  • Thanks for your support, {{NAME}}
  • Here’s how we support our local community, {{NAME}}
  • Will you shop local this Small Busines Saturday, {{NAME}}?
  • {{NAME}}, now’s the time to support local small businesses
  • {{NAME}, millions of American’s are shopping local this #SmallBizSat, will you?
  • We’re glad you’re part of our community, {{NAME}}

Examples mentioning offers

While your Small Business Saturday marketing strategy does not need to necessarily involve running a sale (shoppers are looking to support small business owners more so than looking for a bargain), if you decide to run a sale, you’ll want to mention it in your subject line. 

  • A Free Gift When You Shop Locally With Us This #SmallBizSat
  • 20% Off Store-Wide: Our Small Business Saturday Offer to You
  • Win Big For Shopping Small With 20% Off This Saturday
  • A Thank You For Shopping Locally: 15% Off Just For You
  • Missed Out on Black Friday? Don’t Worry, Our Sale Continues with Small Biz Sat!
  • Buy One, Get One Free! Small Business Saturday Only
  • Order Ship Free Today Only
  • The Deals Keep on Coming with our Small Business Saturday Sale
  • Get 10% Off This Saturday Only
  • Take a further 5% off on top of our Black Friday offers!
  • Up to 50% off in celebration of Small Business Saturday
  • Our Black Friday sale continues with 20% off for #SmallBizSat
  • Free Shipping for Small Business Saturday

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Last-minute and reminder email subject lines

Whether you’re running a sale or not, if you want to send a reminder email towards the end of Small Business Saturday, then consider using one of the examples below.

  • Last Call on our Small Business Saturday Sale!
  • Just 5 Hours Left On Our Small Biz Sat Sale
  • Small Business Saturday Is Almost Over!
  • Your Last Chance to Support Local Businesses on #SmallBizSat
  • Don’t Miss Out on Small Business Saturday


Having gone through 50 email subject lines you’ll hopefully have found some you can use yourself or at least have inspiration for your own. 

If you’re looking for more inspiration for the remainder of your email, check out our examples of Small Business Saturday emails which also contains plenty of tips for your marketing strategy.

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