Digital products on shopify

The Top 5 Stores Selling Digital Products on Shopify

Many entrepreneurs and merchants know that Shopify is a fantastic ecommerce platform. That’s probably not a surprise to you. 

What you may not have realized however is that you can also sell digital goods on the Shopify platform. 

There’s virtually no limit on what kind of products or services you can sell with Shopify. In matter of fact, selling digital products on Shopify is in many ways easier than selling physical products. 

With digital products you don’t need to worry about packing, shipping or finding space for your products in your store. In most cases all you need to provide is a download link to your customers after they’ve paid. 

So to get you inspired for what all the various digital product ideas you can sell online, we’ve curated this list of the top 5 stores selling digital products on Shopify.

1. The Lux Lens – Tools & Online Courses for Photographers

luxe lens - store selling digital products on shopify

The Luxe Lens isn’t your typical photography online store selling stock photos. It’s a one-stop-shop for all the tools, templates and courses photographers could want. 

The online store also offers plenty of free courses which act like a free trial letting you know you’ll be receiving quality downloads. 

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2. PeachCréme – Digital Branding Products

peachcreme - store selling digital goods on shopify

PeachCréme offers design and branding services for both brick and mortar and online businesses. 

In addition to working with your brand to develop tailored branding, PeachCréme also offers pre-made branding templates that you can adapt to your own business. There’s also plenty of custom fonts, illustrations and even some physical merchandise you can purchase.

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3. Relaxing White Noise – Online Store for Audio Files

relaxing white noise - digital products store on shopify

If you tend to have trouble falling asleep or concentrating on something without some white noise, then Relaxing White Noise is the online store for you. 

What started off as a popular YouTube channel, has led to an online store with a huge variety of different ambient sounds to choose from. Everything from rain on the roof and crackling fireplaces to even vacuum cleaners. 

4. Gauge Girl Training – Online Courses and Plans for Wellbeing

gauge - selling digital goods

Gauge Girl Training is an online store where customers can download a variety of different meal plans, ebooks and courses. 

The store also has customer accounts to let you easily track your purchases and progress. 

5. Life is Messy and Brilliant – Digital Downloads for Planners 

life is messy - selling digital goods store

While much of our lives have been digitized, diaries and planners are still one thing where many people prefer the analog version. For the most part, digital diaries and planners just don’t have the same charm as their physical counterparts. 

Life is Mess and Brilliant bridges this gap by offering various assets and templates to customize your planner. This gives you all the benefits of a digital planner or diary, while still letting you personalize it the way you like. 

Selling Your Own Digital Products on Shopify

If you have your own digital products to sell, there’s a few things to consider. 

Even though digital goods like music, photos, etc. don’t need to be shipped, you still need a way to get them to your customers. 

While you might be attempted to just email them after someone has paid, this is not scalable and doesn’t inspire confidence in your customers. Especially when people expect to be able to start downloading their purchases straight away. 

Thankfully there’s plenty of Shopify apps that make automatically delivering your digital goods easy.  These apps allow you to prevent abuse of your digital goods with features like limited downloads and license keys in addition to offering digital delivery. 

One of the most popular digital downloads apps is Sky Pilot. The app has a 4.9 average rating on the Shopify app store and also offers a free plan. 

SendOwl is another popular general purpose delivery app in the Shopify app store for digital goods. If you’re looking for a digital downloads app specific for selling music, Single Music is another great app to check out. 

Shopify also has their own app for managing digital downloads. In addition to being built by Shopify themselves, the app is also a great option as it’s completely free. 

If Shopify isn’t for you, there are plenty of other platforms where you can start selling digital goods. Such as the TemplateMonster Marketplace where you can sell Shopify themes. 

The advantage of these kinds of sites over Shopify is that there are already many customers on them, so you don’t have to do all the hard work of marketing and attracting customers to your store. 

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Over to You

The barriers to selling your own photos, music, ebooks, courses or whatever digital goods you want have never been lower. 

You’ve seen some of the best examples of stores selling digital products on Shopify along with some Shopify apps streamline the process.  So now it’s your turn to selling your own digital products! 

If you know of any other great stores selling digital products or services on Shopify, feel free to mention them in the comments below!

For more inspiration, also check out our recommendations for the top Shopify automation apps.